I ordered additional products online. When will I get them?
We need some turnaround time to get the products from our add-on partners, so your items will be in the box no fewer than five days out from the date you placed your order. For example, if you order a jar of jam on a Tuesday and your pick-up day is Wednesday, the jam will be in your box the following Wednesday, not the next day.
Your pick-up day determines your order deadline. You can see your order deadline on our members page.
Most add-ons will be included right in your box with your produce. Fruit shares are packed separately and also labeled with your name, so you will need to remember to pick up your fruit share too! If you have ordered bulk cases of veggies or fruit, pickling cases, or extra CSA shares, you’ll find them at your pick up location labeled with your name.
For more information about our Community Supported Agriculture program, visit our members page or see our CSA FAQs.