
Reviving Riverbanks

Exciting achievements stem from extraordinary ambitions. After three years of steadfast commitment from Oxbow’s Conservation Team, we are proud to...

The salmon story continues

Many a time this season we have made note of how devastating a year this one has been for salmon....

Our salmon are in hot water

Plenty of credit has been given in the media to the farmers who are (like always) trying to make ends...

Volunteer at the farm with King Conservation District April 11

Join us on Saturday, April 11th from 10am-2pm as we partner with the good folks from King Conservation District for...

Stewardship Partners features Oxbow in restoration video

Our awesome friends at Stewardship Partners just put together this inspiring video with interviews with Oxbow farmers Sarah, Luke, and Adam. Stewardship...

Nineteen volunteers help restore native hedgerow

Many thanks to the crew of nineteen volunteers who came out to the farm on Saturday to help with the...

Mountains to Sound Greenway visits Oxbow

On January 24th Bridget, the Native Plant Nursery Manager, and I hosted a group of 20 Mountains to Sound Greenway...