
GiveBIG today to one of these great organizations

In case you haven’t heard the buzz on social media in the past few weeks, today is GiveBIG, the day...

Celeriac: Take two

Celeriac. Have you heard of it? You probably have if you’re a CSA member, you might have if you shop...

Native Plant Newsletter: Plant Blindness?

A few weeks ago, Native Plant Nursery Manager Bridget McNassar attended the National Native Seed Conference, a gathering of professionals...

Our fertile ground: Farming is science

A lot has changed in the food market since Oxbow got its farming start in 1999. A slew of investigative...

Native Plant Newsletter: Germination!

It is a magical time and one full of surprises in the nursery. At last, we get to see whether...

Family Farm Days

This season, for the first time EVER, Oxbow will be open for FREE one Sunday every month, welcoming families and...

Warm weather across Wasington is messing with farmers

On the heels of the warmest February EVER in the region, March has arrived warm and with nary a single...

Our dangling carrot? Social change

Oxbow is a farm with a social mission. As our organically-grown non-profit turns five years old, we are poised to...

Post-Super Bowl Excitement!

Are you ready for some football… ahem… produce?! Yes, even we have Super Bowl fever, but once Sunday’s excitement has...

Love? Hate? How do farmers feel about floods?

Floodplains are like a farmer’s slightly annoying best friend. Love ’em. Hate ’em. Either way, you have to deal with...