
Know Farms. Know Food.

We are fortunate to be operating in a time where food production and its relationship to the land where it’s...

Japanese wax turnips

By early summer, many may already be familiar with the small, white, bulbous root veggies that have been making the...

The Butterfly Effect

The conspicuous decline of monarch butterflies has been in the news a lot lately. Exact numbers of individuals are hard...

Where's the lettuce?

We sent the following letter to our CSA Members on Sunday, June 28th, understanding there were concerns about the absence...


Every month, Native Plant Nursery Manager Bridget McNassar shares information about one of the plants she and her team propagate...

KING5 Evening Magazine interviews Farmers Luke and Sarah

A few weeks ago, the team from KING5’s Evening Magazine visited Oxbow to talk with our founding farmers, Luke and...

A Farewell to Farmers' Markets

In the past two decades, the United States has experienced HUGE increase in demand for fresh, local food and transparency...


Ahhh, rhubarb. In so many ways, rhubarb is a veggie all its own. It’s sour. It’s a stalk. It’s leaves...

Native plant program featured in Best of NW blog

We’re thrilled that Oxbow’s native plant program was featured by a blog called Best of the Northwest. Bryan visited the...

The raspberry disaster

We sent the following letter to our CSA members on Friday, June 12th, after hearing word from across the mountains...