
Operation: Cucurbit is a go!

Last week, we began sowing our cucurbits–cucumbers, mixed varieties of zucchinis, and winter squash aplenty, (including the famous jack-o-lantern pumpkins!)–in...

Make way for peppers

Remember those alliums we told you about? It’s time to transplant them out! We are growing an acre and a half...

Return of the pests

It’s easy at this time of year to get carried away with excitement for new life and fresh growth, but...

Movin' on out

We’ve been seeding crops in the propagation house since February. Late last week, we took advantage of a few cool,...

This season's low-till trial

We’re getting started on a trial for a “low-till” study we are working on with WSU this season. No-till and...

Oxbow is now offering children's birthday parties

For years, we have heard interest from parents and kids alike in having children’s birthday parties at Oxbow. After a...

Pea progress

Remember meeting our sugar snap peas last month? A lot has changed since then! We’ve weeded them three times–the warm and...

Strawberry fields (but not forever)

Guess what? Our strawberries are flowering in profusion! This is great news, because it means they soon will be fruiting...

Give big for Oxbow today

Today only, gifts to Oxbow will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to $5,000. Consider making a tax-deductible donation to Oxbow and...

Meet the carrots

Though you’re still a few months away from enjoying your first Oxbow carrot of 2016, you should be pleased to...