2013 Oxbow Newsletter #14 - Oxbow Native Plant Nursery

This week I would like to introduce you to our new venture at Oxbow farm; our new native plant nursery...

2013 Oxbow Newsletter #13 - Farm Fun this Fall

We LOVE celebrating the fall harvest season at Oxbow, and we particularly love to celebrate it with all of YOU,...

2013 Oxbow Newsletter #12 - Gleaning Feeds a Wider Community

Last year Sno-Valley Hopelink started an innovative gleaning program in Carnation. Gleaning is the act of harvesting surplus food for...

2013 Oxbow Newsletter #11 - The Rhythm & Pace of Farming

Recently I have been thinking about the growing season in relationship to completing a triathlon. I have done a few...

2013 Newsletter #10 - Summer Camp on the Farm

If you’re in need of a heart-warming, hilarious and inspiring scene, the view from the upstairs of the Oxbow Farm...

2013 Newsletter #9 - Growing Healthy Soil

Soil is in fact an organic farmer’s first and most significant crop. Healthy soil is extremely bio diverse. It is...

2013 Newsletter #8 - Why Eat Local?

What does it mean to eat local? The USDA defines local as food sourced w/in 400 miles. What does it...

Gleaning Day is Sunday September 22nd

We invite you to the farm for our 4th annual Gleaning Party. Join us in fields at 10am to glean...

Oxbow Interns Visit Dog Mountain Farm

It was Monday morning and the sun was beaming like she’d just had a date with an August afternoon. I...

Oxbow Barn Dance on Saturday August 24th

Saturday August 24th we’re partnerin’ up with our friends at Belle Clementine for an evening of great food and music...