Day: September 14, 2013

2013 Oxbow Newsletter #13 - Farm Fun this Fall

We LOVE celebrating the fall harvest season at Oxbow, and we particularly love to celebrate it with all of YOU,...

2013 Oxbow Newsletter #12 - Gleaning Feeds a Wider Community

Last year Sno-Valley Hopelink started an innovative gleaning program in Carnation. Gleaning is the act of harvesting surplus food for...

2013 Oxbow Newsletter #11 - The Rhythm & Pace of Farming

Recently I have been thinking about the growing season in relationship to completing a triathlon. I have done a few...

2013 Newsletter #10 - Summer Camp on the Farm

If you’re in need of a heart-warming, hilarious and inspiring scene, the view from the upstairs of the Oxbow Farm...

2013 Newsletter #9 - Growing Healthy Soil

Soil is in fact an organic farmer’s first and most significant crop. Healthy soil is extremely bio diverse. It is...

2013 Newsletter #8 - Why Eat Local?

What does it mean to eat local? The USDA defines local as food sourced w/in 400 miles. What does it...